A Comprehensive Guide to B Vitamins for Older Adults

Created in partnership with Certified Nutritionist, Lorie Eber

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Being healthy means being well-informed, which is why we’re going the extra mile and providing our loyal readers with a comprehensive but easy-to-understand guide to B vitamins. Our goal — as always — is to translate complex nutritional science into helpful information that you can weave into your everyday life.


List of the 8 B-Group Vitamins

Eight B vitamins work as a team to keep you in optimal health. They are:

  • Biotin
  • Niacin
  • Riboflavin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Folate (vitamin B9)
  • Thiamin (vitamin B1)
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)

The Role of B Vitamins in the Body

3 Stretches for Runners with Tight Hip Flexors

B vitamins play a critical role in keeping our brains healthy. They also help convert food into fuel for energy, keeping our metabolism humming and our cardiovascular system and hearts strong.

Important B Vitamins for Older Adults

Vitamin B12

Of all the B vitamins, vitamin B12, which is important for red blood cell production and maintaining healthy brain and nerve function, gets the most notoriety.

Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that helps our bodies make DNA, the genetic material in all cells. It’s estimated that 20% of older adults are deficient in this important nutrient. As older adults we need to monitor our B12 levels because our stomachs produce less hydrochloric stomach acid as we age. This acid breaks down our food and helps with digestion.

Unfortunately, even if you eat a healthy balanced diet, you may not be absorbing enough B12 from food. If you take Metformin for diabetes, or use drugs to control stomach acid, such as Prilosec or Pepcid, be aware that they interfere with vitamin B12 absorption.

If you suspect you might have a vitamin B12 deficiency don’t head for the vitamin aisle. Instead, head to the doctor.

A vitamin B12 deficiency can cause tiredness, weakness, constipation, loss of appetite and anemia. Nerve problems such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet can also occur.

If you suspect you might have a vitamin B12 deficiency don’t head for the vitamin aisle. Instead, head to the doctor. It’s important to treat a vitamin B12 deficiency as soon as possible.

Folate (Vitamin B9)

Folate is a water-soluble B vitamin that’s naturally found in a variety of foods, especially dark green leafy vegetables.

Folate is important to maintain a healthy nervous system and there’s growing evidence that a lack of folate can affect mood and cognitive function in older adults. A folate deficiency negatively impacts the nervous system and can also result in anemia.

Folic Acid Supplementation Caution

Vitamin B9 deficiencies are fairly common and may be caused by alcoholism, inflammatory bowel disease, or celiac disease. Folate is the name for B9 in its naturally occurring state. Folic acid is a synthetic version used in supplements and added to fortified foods.

The Institute of Medicine’s recommended intake of folate is 400 micrograms (mcg) per day. It has also set a safe upper limit of 1,000 mcg per day. If you have a vitamin B12 deficiency, don’t automatically reach for supplements and eat fortified food products under the misapprehension that more is better. It’s easy to inadvertently overdose on the synthetic variation.

For example, if you take one B-Complex supplement and eat a bowl of folate enriched cereal, you’ll ingest twice the recommended daily dosage.

Overdoing your intake comes with serious risks, including increased incidence of colon, lung and prostate cancers. High levels of folate can also mask a vitamin B12 deficiency, and cause neurological damage. It’s best to consult with your physician if you have a folic acid deficiency.

Daily Recommended Intake of Vitamin B12 and Folate

Adults should aim for a 2.4 microgram daily intake of vitamin B12. If you’re vegetarian or vegan, you’ll need to eat a complete protein like nutritional yeast since vitamin B12 is found mainly in animal products, including meat, fish, eggs and dairy. Again, adults should aim for a 400 mcg daily intake of folate. Avocado and cooked broccoli are rich plant-based sources of folate.

How to Improve Your B Vitamin Absorption

Health Benefits of Probiotics

Levels of intrinsic factor, a glycoprotein secreted by the stomach lining that’s critical for absorbing vitamin B12, naturally diminish as we age.

One of the primary causes of decreased production is atrophic gastritis, a thinning of the stomach lining, which may affect as many as 30% of adults over age 60. Taking a vitamin B12 supplement won’t help at all if you’re lacking in intrinsic factor.

Taking a vitamin B12 supplement won’t help at all if you’re lacking in intrinsic factor.

The best way to ensure against a vitamin B12 deficiency is to increase your intake of B12-rich foods. Bioactive forms of this vitamin are available from animal products, including shellfish, beef, mackerel, salmon, dairy products, and eggs, but not from plants, which puts vegans and strict vegetarians at risk.

For those who eschew all animal products, there are a few plant-based food sources of vitamin B12 including nutritional yeast, fermented beans, mushrooms, and nori seaweed, but judicious use of vitamin supplements is a safer alternative.

Habits that Can Hurt B Vitamin Absorption

Because B vitamins are water soluble, the nutrients will be lost in boiling or poaching. The best nutrient-preserving cooking methods are ones that use minimal amounts of water, coupled with short heating times. Microwaving and steaming fit the bill. Sautéing and stir frying are also good options because the addition of fat improves absorption.

Another well-known risk factor for a vitamin B12 deficiency is excessive alcohol intake. A recent randomized, diet-controlled, crossover study discovered that even consuming as little as one alcoholic drink per day over an 8-week period decreased vitamin B12 concentrations by 5%.

Plant-Based Food Sources of B Vitamins

Our bodies cannot store B vitamins, so it’s important to replenish our supplies frequently and get them from fresh meats, vegetables and whole unprocessed grains.

Many ready-to-eat breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin B12 (check the side panel to be sure) and most multi-vitamin supplements include it as well.

Here’s a list of plant-based foods that are rich sources of B vitamins:


Avocado is an excellent source of folate and vitamin B5, and a good source of niacin, riboflavin and vitamin B6. Read more →

Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast is a vitamin B powerhouse and particularly rich in vitamin B12, a nutrient many of us become deficient in as we get older. Read more →


One cup of boiled, unsalted broccoli contains 75% of our recommended daily intake of folate. Folate is important to maintain a healthy nervous system. Read more →


Almonds are an excellent source of riboflavin, a B vitamin that works as an antioxidant fighting free radicals. Free radicals create oxidative stress, which can damage DNA. Read more →


A one-cup serving of these little nuts is an excellent source of thiamin and vitamin B6. Read more →


Beets are a rich source of folate. A one-cup serving supplies 35% of the folate we need each day. Read more →

Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are high in thiamin, which is critical for a healthy nervous system. They're also a good source of niacin, riboflavin and vitamin B6. Read more →


Half a cup of cooked asparagus contains 130 micrograms of folate, or 35% of our recommended daily intake. Read more →

Ancient Grains

Millet, quinoa and spelt all fall into the ancient grain category. Compared with modern varieties, which are often heavily refined, ancient grains contain many B vitamins. Read more →

Pinto Beans

Pinto beans are very high in thiamin, which plays a key role in nerve, muscle and heart function. Read more →

Navy Beans

One cup of cooked navy beans contains more than 60% of the folate and more than 25% of the thiamin we need each day. Read more →

5 Recipes that Supply B Vitamins

Healthy Avocado Chocolate Cookies

Not your average cookie. This recipe from Sprouted Fig uses avocado for butter. Get the recipe →

Make Ahead Mini Egg Frittatas

These Italian-style mini frittatas from Clean Eating use tomatoes, chicken sausage, 
mozzarella and basil. And it's all baked in a muffin tin. Get the recipe →

Creamy Asparagus-Potato Soup

Make a double or triple batch of this soup from Eating Well. Freeze the leftovers for a quick lunch. Get the recipe →

Roasted Pears with Pistachios

A versatile recipe from Nutrition Starring YOU that you can enjoy for breakfast, as a snack or for dessert. Top with cottage cheese or Greek yogurt for protein and fiber.  Get the recipe →

Chicken, Fennel & Grape Quinoa Salad

Leftover cooked chicken? This healthy grain-salad recipe from Eating Well is the perfect way to use it up.  Get the recipe →

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