Freezing temperatures and shorter days. Winter can be a tough season to deal with. If a tropical vacation’s not on the horizon, don’t despair: there are ways of finding warmth in the heart of winter.
Despite its cold and grey winters — with days that get less than six hours of sunlight — Denmark is consistently ranked as one of the happiest country in the world. Many Danes say that hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) is one of the main reasons why.

An intrinsic part of Danish culture, hygge is loosely translated as coziness and well-being. However, this definition doesn’t do it justice. It’s about purposefully creating a sense of togetherness, warmth and connection. It’s also about taking pleasure in the simple things in life, doing things unrushed and taking time out of the day just for yourself.
Sounds pretty nice, doesn’t it? Here are 5 ways you can incorporate a little hygge into your life:
1. Dress the Part
When you head out to brave the elements, bundle up in your comfiest sweater and your favorite pair of socks. Relaxing indoors? Think lots and lots of blankets and a hot cup of tea.
2. Go Phone-Free
Spend some time each day without your phone. Hide it or turn it off; do whatever you need to do to really relax without being tempted to check your email or Facebook.
3. Share a Home-Cooked Meal with Friends
Light some candles to help create a warm and cozy atmosphere. Keep the food simple and wholesome. Linger after your meal is done and enjoy some wonderful conversation.
4. Warm Up in Your Favorite Café
On rainy and chilly days, make your way over to your favorite spot to warm up with a hot drink. Make it especially hygge by choosing a café with natural lighting, a friendly, inviting atmosphere and a cosy set-up.
5. Take Advantage of the Daylight
With days getting shorter, make the most of the natural light by spending time outside while you can. Open up the blinds in your home, or sit and read a book near a window.