Sex after menopause can be, well, difficult. Dryness, incontinence, a low libido and the loss of hormones following menopause can derail what was once a healthy sex life. And while there are a whole host of treatments available for men with sexual dysfunction — such as viagra, cialis and testosterone replacement therapy, to name a few — there aren’t many treatment options for women. But the O-Shot could be a solution — if you’re adventurous enough to consider it.

O-Shot Believed to Improve Orgasm and Arousal
Designed by internist Dr. Charles Runels, who is better known as the creator of the Vampire Facial made famous by Kim Kardashian, the O-Shot is a non-surgical procedure that seeks to stimulate the vagina and improve a woman’s potential for orgasm. Specifically, the procedure extracts platelet-rich plasma (PRP) plasma from the blood and injects it into the vaginal wall and clitoris.
Dr. Runels says the O-Shot works by naturally stimulating the growth of new tissue, which in turn increases sensitivity to stimulation improving libido, orgasm and arousal.
Dr. Runels was inspired by his years as a research chemist and his experience in wound care. “PRP has been used for years by surgeons in wound care,” says Dr. Runels. “In 2010, the PRP kit started to be promoted for cosmetic use in the face. But the first thing that popped into my mind is that this could work well for erectile dysfunction. I started using it on myself and found that it worked.” At the behest of his girlfriend, he eventually gave her a shot. The result? Increased libido. He soon got calls from her friends who wanted the shot too.
Potential to Improve Incontinence and Vaginal Dryness
Lidia, 62, suffered from incontinence. Initially, she wanted the O-Shot in the hopes it would improve leakage. What she didn’t expect is that it would improve her sex life too.
“I went from using panty liners daily to not at all in six weeks,” she says. “But the best part is that the shot improved my sex life too.” For Charlene, 65, vaginal dryness and arousal had been a problem ever since menopause. “I often wasn’t aroused and even when I was, I needed lubrication,” she notes. “The procedure was easy. I like that I no longer need lube and I’m much more easily aroused. It’s like my sex life is back to its pre-menopausal self.”
The O-Shot Is Not Yet Approved by the FDA
Without question, the O-Shot has its detractors. OB/GYN and surgeon Dr. Antonio Pizzaro, who specializes in female pelvic medicine, isn’t convinced the O-Shot works. “It’s not FDA-approved to my knowledge,” says Pizzaro. “The data presented by proponents of the O-Shot seem to all be related to facial surgery, and this is not reassuring with regard to efficacy in the care of female sexual dysfunction.”
The study by Dr. Runels has “no control group,” continues Dr. Pizzaro. “And the number of patients is very low. There were both pre- and postmenopausal patients included, and their hormonal statuses were not discussed. Also there was no discussion of their home situations or social histories. According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, cosmetic procedures designed to improve sexual satisfaction are not medically indicated, and the safety and effectiveness of these procedures have not been documented.”
Despite the criticism, Dr. Runels stands by his creation (which costs $1,500 USD a pop) arguing that O-Shot is simply a tool to help women fight sexual dysfunction, not a cure-all.
Editor’s Note: Lidia is a fictitious name used to protect patient confidentiality.